Paper Bags and Beat plastic pollution

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the environmental impact of single-use plastics, sustainable alternatives are gaining prominence. Among these alternatives, sugarcane bagasse disposable tableware stands out as an eco-friendly option

That has we don’t want our mother earth To look like

Plastic plate and packaging will last for the next 1000 years on our earth. That’s how we don’t want our mother earth to look like. What we will be leaving for our future generation? 

The Devastating Impact of Plastic Bags

If plastic bags are not properly disposed of, they can impact the environment by causing littering and stormwater drain blockages. Animals often confuse the bags for food and consume them, therefore blocking their digestive processes. Hence one of the alternative is paper bags which is strong and is bio-degradable and is not harmful for nature

Our Solution

Takeaway Bagasse

Introducing sustainable bagasse tableware and packaging for food and beverage.

Start from nature goes back to nature

100% plastic free

 Environment friendly

Water and oil resistant

Sturdy and leak proof

100% biodegrable

Introducing SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING for e commerce and business owners

Start from nature goes back to nature

100% plastic free

 Environment friendly

Tamper Proof

Strong and durable

100% biodegrable

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How Bagasse plates goes back to earth after 180 days

All Bagasse tableware is made from sugarcane residue and it goes back to earth after using


Sugarcane grows abundantly where we live and then sweetens the world.


Farmers bring their crop to the sugar mill which squeezes the juice is extracted and what is left is call bagasse/sugarcane pulp.


After processing it is converted into plates bowls and delivery containers.


Plates goes to trash after use. After 180 days it goes back to earth again.


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Pooja, Delhi

Great products and all are  sustainable products.


Good Quality and fast delivery


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